
Set up

  1. Select an app in the top left corner from the Switcher

  2. Navigate to App Settings by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) at the top of the Timeline sidebar

  3. Click on Integrations in the sidebar

Connect GitLab

  • Find the GitLab integration module under the Version control section

  • Click the Connect button

  • You’ll be taken through a standard GitLab app OAuth flow

You must be logged into GitLab as a user with at least Developer permissions in the GitLab org.

GitLab OAuth applications are tied to the user account that connected them. If this user account is deactivated from your GitLab organization, your Runway integration will also stop functioning. (This can be corrected by removing and reinstalling the GitLab integration as a new user.)

We recommend that organizations connect to the GitLab OAuth application using a shared service account (e.g. a tools@ or dev@ account) to prevent disruptions to Runway's integration syncing service.

  • GitLab redirects you back to Runway, Runway presents a dialog:

    • Select the project/repo where your code for this app lives

Add a release tag pattern

  • Runway uses this to read tags from GitLab and delineate your releases, and also to generate tags when auto-tagging releases upon completion

  • Pattern accepts the string {version} as a stand-in for the release version, e.g. v{version}

Runway expects version strings that adhere to Semantic Versioning principles — formatted as x.y.z (representing major.minor.patch).

Add a release branch pattern

  • For GitFlow or similar, pattern accepts the string {version} as a stand-in for the release version, e.g. release-ios-{version}

    • You can assign different patterns to different types of releases using the Release type dropdown

  • Omit pattern for trunk-based, e.g. main

    • Be sure to select all types in the Release type dropdown

Add any additional branches

  • Working branch: your main working branch, e.g. development

  • Staging branch: if you create your Release Candidate builds from some branch other than your release branch, set that here

  • Deploy branch: if you create your final builds from some branch other than your release branch, set that here

Last updated