Quickstart CI/CD overview

Quickstart CI/CD is a standalone tool that helps teams easily spin up a build-and-deploy CI/CD pipeline using fastlane and GitHub Actions. It works by scanning your repo for the necessary configuration details to set up your workflow, and automatically generating the necessary files to get a build-and-deploy GitHub Actions workflow up and running.

Support for additional CI/CD providers is coming soon!

By the end of the Quickstart CI/CD wizard flow, you'll have a GitHub Actions workflow ready to go that does the following:


  1. Checks out your repository and installs Ruby dependencies using bundler

  2. Installs CocoaPods, Carthage, or NPM dependencies based on your configuration

  3. Fetches the latest version and build number from TestFlight and increments the build number by one

  4. Loads your signing certificates into the keychain, fetches and installs provisioning profiles from App Store Connect

  5. Builds and signs your app with your specified configuration

  6. Uploads the generated .ipa to App Store Connect

  7. Uploads the generated binary to the GitHub workflow's artifacts


  1. Checks out your repository and installs Ruby dependencies using bundler

  2. Installs NPM dependencies if needed

  3. Fetches the version codes from the Play Console and increments the version code by one

  4. Builds and signs your Android app with your specified configuration

  5. Uploads the generated .apk or .aab binaries to the Play Console

  6. Uploads the generated files to the GitHub workflow's artifacts

The generated workflow is a great starting point for getting your team set up with CI/CD for mobile apps of both platforms. From here, there are lots of ways you can extend your new workflow to suit your team's needs.

The Quickstart CI/CD wizard will take your project's scanned values (along with any specific configurations you've defined in the Confirm and complete your build’s configuration step), and input the relevant fields in the resulting yml and fastlane files.

Any fields that were left unspecified during the Quickstart flow will need to be manually updated in the resulting files. Templated fields are specified with curly brackets like so:

{ FIELD_NAME } , for example: { RUBY_VERSION }.

Cross-platform React Native teams

If your team is shipping a cross-platform React Native app, you can still use Quickstart CI/CD to generate a functioning GitHub Actions Workflow for each platform, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • You must run through the Quickstart CI/CD wizard once for each platform. You can connect the same repository to both runs of the wizard.

  • Each run will output a separate GitHub Actions Workflow file that will build and deploy your app for the specified platform.

  • The Quickstart CI/CD wizards assumes your repository doesn't already have an Appfile and Fastfile and creates new instances of these files. The second run of the wizard will as a result attempt to overwrite the output of the first run – we recommend manually merging the two outputs by choosing the Download files option at the end of the process.

If you choose to open a pull request for the second run of the wizard, we highly recommend closely examining the resulting pull request to ensure that any previously added functionality in your repository's Appfile and Fastfile is not unintentionally removed.

Last updated

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