
Team settings

Add new users to all apps

When enabled, any new users joining your organization in Runway will automatically be added as app users to all apps in your organization.

Enable role-based access controls

Which features users can interact with in Runway will be determined by their assigned user groups.

Role-based access control is available for teams on the Enterprise plan only.


View and manage users in your organization in Runway.

The following information for each user is available in the user table:

  • User email

  • User permissions

  • User groups that the user is a member of

  • The apps the user is a member of

Admin users can edit a user's groups and apps, and remove users from your Runway organization.


View and manage user groups for your organization in Runway. User groups define a set of allowed user actions that group members can perform.

Groups can be assigned as owners to checklist items, regression items, approval items, and as members of Build Distro buckets. They can also be mentioned in notifications.

The groups table shows all available user groups, including default user groups and their assigned members, plus any custom groups that have been created for your organization.

Default user groups

By default, all Runway organizations come with a set of user groups that are common to many mobile teams. The set of default user groups are:

  • Release Pilots

  • Engineering Managers

  • Engineers

  • Product Managers (PMs)

  • QA

  • Marketing

  • Design

  • Stakeholder / Approvers

  • CX

  • Ops

Default user groups come with a defined set of user actions that group members are allowed to perform.

The name and set of user actions associated with default user groups cannot be modified. If you wish to define a user group with a custom set of allowed user actions, you must create a custom group.

User actions

The table below outlines the default set of allowed actions each default group is allowed to perform. It also describes the complete set of user actions that can be assigned to user groups.

Custom groups

Custom groups are available for teams on the Enterprise plan only.

Custom user groups can be created to define a specific set of user actions that a defined set of users can perform within Runway.

To create a custom group, navigate to Organization settings > Team > Groups and click "Create group". Choose the group's name, the set of actions that users in the group will be allowed to perform, and specify group members.

Use the "Copy from existing group" helper action to copy over user actions and group members from another group when creating or editing a custom group.

A user's groups can also be modified from the user table by finding the specific user in the list of users, and clicking "Edit user".

For users that belong to multiple groups, the union of allowed actions across all groups they belong to will define the set of actions that user can perform. For example, if User A belongs to the following groups:

  • Feature team A

    • User action: Create/edit/delete releases

  • Feature team B

    • User action: Submit app for review

User A will be have permission to perform both "Create/edit/delete releases", and "Submit app for review" actions.

Mapping Runway user groups to Slack groups

Slack groups can be a great way to group together members of your team so they can be mentioned with a single handle. User groups in Runway also provide a way group together related groups of users and define allowed actions for those users. In Runway, you can map Runway's user groups to groups in Slack, so that any time a group of users is mentioned in Slack notifications, Runway can mention the corresponding Slack group.

This can be particularly useful for checklist items, Approvals items, and Regression testing items that are assigned to user groups – Slack reminder pings for these items will mention the appropriate Slack group.

To update the mapping of Runway user groups to Slack groups for your organization's Slack integration provider, go to Organization > Settings > Integrations > Slack, and edit the Runway user groups to Slack groups mapping table.

Enable the Sync Slack groups automation on your apps and Runway can take care of adding and removing team members from the appropriate Slack groups based on their group membership in Runway.

Last updated

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