Notifications overview

Notifications are a key way for teams to stay in sync and collaborate more efficiently during a release process. Where before you might have been checking in various tools for status updates (Is that build finished? Who's in charge of the next release?), or pinging teammates when a task needed to be done (did we get signoff from Compliance?), Runway has you covered.

Notifications settings

Primary channel

All notifications will go to your primary channel, unless an override is defined in an invidual notification's settings.

Configure primary channel

Visit your Notifications integration settings to configure your primary channel:

Configuring individual notifications

  1. Select an app in the top left corner from the Switcher

  2. Navigate to App Settings by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) at the top of the Timeline sidebar

  3. Click on Notifications in the sidebar

Settings for individual notifications

  • Enabled — Toggle this type of notification on or off

  • Channel(s) — Select or enter one or more channel names for this type of notification.

    • Leave this field blank to send notifications to your configured primary channel (default).

Runway can send notifications to a private Slack channel once it has access to the channel, via one of these methods:

  • In Slack, send a message to the private channel using the @Runway Slack handle

  • In Slack, click on the user count icon at the top right of the private channel, then Integrations > Add an app. Search for Runway and click Add

Once the Runway app has been added, return to Runway, and the private channel name will now be available as an option in Runway integration settings for Slack.

Release-specific channel names containing the pattern {version} are supported. If the Create release-specific channel(s) automation is enabled, Runway will automatically create a new Slack or Teams channel(s) for the release according to the entered pattern, if it doesn't exist yet.

Last updated