
The Release view is your dashboard for all activity and progress relating to a particular version release.

On the left, you'll find links to the Release overview as well all Release steps.

Release overview

Release steps

All Release steps are shown with status dots indicating progress towards overall completion:

  • Gray - Step is inactive

  • Yellow - Step is pending, waiting, or in progress

  • Green - Step is complete

  • Red - Step has failed or is blocked

Step name


A summary of kickoff details for this version release, including code and branch-related setup, and pilot and planning information

A view that reconciles the status of work tickets and actual code present in your branch

Build status and history pulled in from your CI/CD workflow

Status of any regression testing occurring on release candidate builds

Status of beta testing occurring on release candidate builds

View screenshots currently staged for this release in the app store

View and edit release notes for this release that will appear in the app store

Status of approvals needed from various stakeholders to continue with the release

Select a build, review any final release settings and submit your update to app stores for review

App store review

Status of review from app stores


Status of final release to the app store, stability monitoring, cleanup tasks

Last updated