
Set up

  1. Select an app in the top left corner from the Switcher

  2. Navigate to App Settings by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) at the top of the Timeline sidebar

  3. Click on Integrations in the sidebar

Connect Bitbucket

  • Find the Bitbucket integration module under the Version control section

  • Click the Connect button

  • You’ll be taken through a standard Bitbucket OAuth flow

    • Select a specific Bitbucket org if you’re a member of multiple (otherwise will be pre-selected)

You must be logged in as a Bitbucket user with read/write permissions in the selected Bitbucket org.

  • Bitbucket redirects you back to Runway, Runway presents a dialog in which to select the Bitbucket repository you want to connect

Add a release tag pattern

  • Runway uses this to read tags from Bitbucket and delineate your releases, and also to generate tags when auto-tagging releases upon completion

  • Pattern accepts the string {version} as a stand-in for the release version, e.g. v{version}

Runway expects version strings that adhere to Semantic Versioning principles — formatted as x.y.z (representing major.minor.patch).

Add a release branch pattern

  • For GitFlow or similar, pattern accepts the string {version} as a stand-in for the release version, e.g. release-ios-{version}

    • You can assign different patterns to different types of releases using the Release type dropdown

  • Omit pattern for trunk-based, e.g. main

    • Be sure to select all types in the Release type dropdown

Add any additional branches

  • Working branch: your main working branch, e.g. development

  • Staging branch: if you create your Release Candidate builds from some branch other than your release branch, set that here

  • Deploy branch: if you create your final builds from some branch other than your release branch, set that here

Last updated