Types of notifications


App reviews



Daily app reviews digest

A recap of new reviews of your app within the past day.

New app review

A new review of your app was published.

Release announcement



Release announcement

A detailed message about your newly-completed release.

Release cycle



Kickoff reminder before target time/date

Your target release kickoff time/date is approaching.

Kickoff successful

Your release was kicked off:

  • Release branch teams

    • A release branch was detected

    • Runway created a release branch

  • Static branch teams

    • Code promotion was detected

    • Runway promoted code from working branch to release branch

  • Bump version status, if configured

    • Runway attempted to bump version on working branch, link to PR

    • Runway bumped version on working branch

Kickoff failed

Your release could not be kicked off:

  • Release branch teams

    • Runway couldn’t create a release branch; needs to be created manually

  • Static branch teams

    • Runway couldn’t perform code promotion; needs to be done manually

Pilot reminder for upcoming release

A reminder for the pilot of the next release. Sent after an app update is successfully released, or when an existing release pilot is changed.

Schedule cadence paused or resumed

Your schedule of recurring target times/dates in Runway was paused or resumed.

VCS release successful

Your update was successfully pushed to your VCS distribution platform (for teams that ultimately release to a platform like GitHub, etc).

Manual submit to app store successful

Your app update was manually submitted to the app store for review.

Submit reminder before target time/date

Your target app submission time/date is approaching. This notification will also call out any remaining incomplete steps.

Automatic submit failed - incomplete steps

Runway couldn’t automatically submit your release for review at the target time/date because one or more required steps were not complete (green).

Automatic submit failed

Runway was unable to automatically submit your release for review at the target time/date.

App store status was updated

Your status in the app store was changed to:

  • iOS

    • Waiting for Review

    • In Review

    • Approved

    • Rejected

    • Metadata rejected

    • Developer rejected

    • Released

  • Android

Release reminder before target time/date

Your target app release time/date is approaching. This notification will also call out any remaining incomplete steps.

Manual app store release successful

Your app update was manually released to the app store.

Automatic release by Runway was successful

Runway automatically released (or started a phased release of) your app update at the target time/date.

Automatic release by Runway failed - incomplete steps

Runway couldn’t automatically release your app update at the target time/date because one or more required steps were not complete (green).

Automatic release by Runway failed

Runway was unable to automatically release your app update at the target time/date.

Phased release / Staged rollout progress update

An update on the progress of your phased release (iOS) / staged rollout (Android).

Unstable phased release halted

Runway automatically paused your phased release due to a low session stability rate.

Stable phased release accelerated to 100%

Runway automatically accelerated your phased release / staged rollout to 100% of users due to a high session stability rate.

Provisioning profiles and/or certificates expiration approaching (Apple platforms only)

One or more provisioning profiles and/or signing certificates active in your Apple Developer account is expiring soon.

You can configure this notification's reminder threshold for anywhere between 1 and 365 days until profile/certificate expiration.

Reminders will send daily if at least one profile or certificate is expiring within the configured threshold, or has already expired in the last two weeks.




New build in progress

​CI started a workflow for a new Release Candidate build.

Build stopped

​CI workflow for a new Release Candidate build was stopped.

Build failed

CI workflow for a new Release Candidate build failed.

New build available

CI successfully completed a new Release Candidate build.

New build available w/ artifacts

New production workflow build available

CI successfully completed a new production build (for teams with a separate production build workflow).

Release process tasks



A step was approved

​One of your release steps was marked as approved (for steps that need to be manually approved, currently applies to Screenshots and Metadata)

New work has been added to this release

A ticket or code was detected that prevented the Feature Readiness step from being considered done (green).

Feature affiliations applied

Feature Readiness step is complete

All work slated for this release (determined by tickets or code affiliated with the current version) is done.

Metadata is editable

Metadata can now be edited for this release.

Metadata defaults were applied

Release tagged

Couldn't tag release

Runway tried and failed to automatically tag your completed release.

Selected build in app store was changed

The selected build for release in the app store was manually changed via Runway.

Checklist items


Checklist item incomplete

One or more checklist items is incomplete and is preventing a step from being considered done (green).

Checklist item completed

One of your checklist items was marked as done.

Checklist item reminder

When one or more checklist items in a step are still pending, but the step is otherwise complete, Runway will send reminder notifications every 12 hours until the step's checklist is complete.




Regression testing status updated

​The status of your regression testing was changed to:

  • Started

  • Not started

  • Passed

  • Failed

Beta testing build available for internal testing

A new build is now available for internal testers on TestFlight (iOS), or has been promoted to a Google Play testing track (Android).

Beta testing build submitted for review for external testing

A beta testing build in TestFlight (iOS) was submitted for review in order to be available to external testers.

Beta testing build available for external testing

A build is now available for external testing on TestFlight (iOS).

Beta soak started

A new beta soak period started due to a new Release Candidate build becoming available.

Beta soak complete

Beta soak period has fully elapsed.

Beta soak ended manually

Beta soak period was marked as complete.

Approval checklist items

Approval item reminder

Runway will send reminder notifications for incomplete approval items every 24 hours until all Approvals items are complete.

Reminders will start automatically depending on a few factors:

  • if a target submission date is set, reminders will start 72 hours before target submission

  • if a target release date is set, reminders will start 72 hours before target release

  • if neither target release nor target submission is set, reminders will start 72 hours after the release has been kicked off

The owners of approval checklist items will be mentioned in reminder notifications.

Regression testing items

Regression testing item reminder

Runway will send reminder notifications every 24 hours for incomplete regression testing items until all Regression testing items are complete.

Reminders will start as soon as the Regression testing step becomes active, and continue until all regression testing items are complete.

The Regression testing step becomes active as soon as a Release Candidate build for the release has succeeded.

Last updated