Google Play Console

Set up

  1. Select an app in the top left corner from the Switcher

  2. Navigate to App Settings by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) at the top of the Timeline sidebar

  3. Click on Integrations in the sidebar

Connect to the Google Play Console

  1. Find the Google Play integration module under the App store section

  2. Click the Connect button

  3. Enter your app’s package name

  4. Upload a service account key file (.json) configured with the correct permissions. See How to create a service account for use in Runway for details.

The Google Play Developer API can only be used to make changes to an existing app – you must have uploaded at least one APK or AAB through the Play Console before the Play Developer API can be used through Runway.

How to create a service account for use in Runway

To connect Runway to the Google Play Console, you'll need a Service Account that's associated with a Google Cloud Project that has enabled access to the Google Play Developer API. The service account must also be granted access to your apps in the Play Console in order to work properly in Runway.

To help make the process of creating and setting up a service account easier, we've created a short video tutorial that demonstrates all the required steps described below.


Before you can create a service account, make sure you've created a Google Cloud Project with access to the Google Play Developer API. For instructions on how to do this, head to Google's documentation below:

Creating a Google Cloud Project

Enabling the Google Play Developer API

You can also choose to use an existing Google Cloud Project, just make sure the Google Play Developer API is enabled on the project you'd like to use.

Creating a service account

Once you've created your Google Cloud Project and enabled the Google Play Developer API, you're ready to create a service account for use in Runway.

Creating a new service account for Runway's exclusive use is highly recommended to avoid issues with rate limits.

The user creating the Service Account and key will need to have the Create Service Accounts (roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator) IAM role on the Google Cloud project.

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, go to Service Accounts.

  2. Select the Google Cloud Project you enabled the Google Play Developer API on in the previous step.

  3. Click + Create Service Account

  4. Fill out the form for Step 1, then click Create

  5. In Step 2, select the Service Account User role, and hit Continue. You can skip past Step 3.

  6. You service account should appear in the list of service accounts on your project. On the service account you just created, click the three dots on the right hand side, and select Manage keys

  7. Click Add Key, then Create new key

  8. Select the JSON option and click Create

  9. Your service account key file should start downloading. This is the file you'll need to upload to Runway so that it can access the Google Play Developer API.

  10. Navigate back to the list of service accounts for your project and copy the email address of your newly created service account. You'll need this for the next step below.

Grant your service account access to the Play Console

Before your service account can be used to make requests to the Google Play Developer API, it must be granted access to your apps in the Google Play Console.

  1. In the Google Play Console, navigate to Users and permissions.

  2. In the Users and permissions page, click Invite users under the action menu on the far right.

  3. In the Invite user form, paste the email address of your service account. Leave the Access expiry checkbox unchecked.

  1. Scroll down to App permissions and click Add app. Choose the apps you'd like to grant the service account access to. This should match the apps you'd like to connect in Runway.

  2. When you select your apps, you'll be prompted to specify permissions you'd like the service account to have for that app. Add the necessary permissions (see below) and click Apply.

Your service account must be granted the following permissions:

  • View app information (readonly)

  • Manage store presence

  • Release to production, exclude devices, and use Play App Signing

  • Release apps to testing tracks

  • Manage testing tracks and edit tester lists

  1. Once you're done adding App permissions to your service account, click Invite user. Your service account should appear in the list of users.

If you need to make changes to your service account's app permissions, click the arrow on your service account in Users and permissions, and then the arrow ("Manage permissions") on the app you'd like to update permissions for.

Last updated