Profiles and devices
Manage devices and provisioning profiles for your app.
Profile and device management is available for iOS platforms only.
Runway's profile and device management features make it easy for your team to securely automate the process of registering new devices in the Apple Developer portal, managing which devices are enabled and disabled, and updating relevant provisioning profiles as devices are added and removed.
The Devices tab of the Profiles and devices section of app settings shows a combined list of all devices that have been registered with app users in Runway and devices registered in the Apple Developer Portal since your last device reset date. Test devices that have been added to your app in Runway will also be shown in this list. The following properties of devices can be seen in the device list table, and by clicking into an individual device to open the device details drawer:
Device name
Device type
Device identifier (UDID)
Bulk actions on devices can be performed from the devices list, including selecting devices to register in the Apple Developer Portal, enabling and disabling devices, and removing devices from the devices list.
Runway can manage automatically syncing devices in the Apple Developer Portal with users in Runway. Learn more.
Adding your device to Runway
Runway users can also add their devices to to their users in Runway so they can be managed automatically in the Apple Developer Portal. To add a device to your user in Runway, scan the QR code shown when hovering over the registration prompt in the Devices tab of the Profiles and devices section. Once you've added your device to your user in Runway, it will appear in the list of Devices for any apps your user is a member of.
You can also add a device to your Runway user from your user's settings page.
The Profiles tab of the Profiles and devices section in app settings lists all active (non-expired) provisioning profiles associated with your app in the Apple Developer Portal. The following properties of each profile can be seen in the profile list table, and by clicking into an individual provisioning profile's details drawer:
Profile name
Profile type (Ad Hoc, Development, Distribution, In House)
Created on date
Expiry date
Devices: the devices associated with the provisioning profile. Note that this is only relevant for Ad Hoc and Development profiles
Certificate name and type: the certificate that's included in the provisioning profile
Runway can manage automatically updating relevant provisioning profiles with an updated devices list as devices are registered, enabled and disabled. Learn more.
Last updated
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