Firebase App Distribution

Set up a new Firebase App Distribution integration

  1. Select an app in the top left corner from the Switcher

  2. Navigate to App Settings by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) at the top of the Timeline sidebar

  3. Select the Integrations link the App Settings sidebar

Connect Firebase App Distribution

  1. Find the Firebase App Distribution integration module under the Beta testing section

  2. Click the Connect button

  3. Upload a service account key file (.json) that's associated with your Firebase project in the Google Cloud Console.

You can generate a service account key file from the Google Cloud Console by first creating a service account, and then generating a key on that service account. The service account must have the Firebase App Distribution Admin role. Note that the user creating the service account and key will need to have the Owner role on the Firebase Console project.

Firebase App Distribution integration settings

To finish configuring the Firebase App Distribution integration, you'll be prompted to enter the following:

  • Project ID: Enter the Project ID of your Firebase project. The Project ID can be found by navigating to Settings > Project Settings > General in the Firebase Console and copying the value found under Project ID

  • App ID: Enter the Firebase App ID of your app. The Firebase App ID can be found by navigating to Settings > Project Settings > General in the Firebase Console, then scrolling down to Your Apps and copying the value found under App ID for the relevant app

Last updated