Setting up your team
A lot of the little inefficiencies that can make releases a pain happen when members of a team are trying to communicate about progress or blockers related to a release.
Runway is designed to provide everyone with a single source of truth, and leverages smart automations and integrations like Slack to proactively let team members know how the release is going and what tasks might need to happen next.
All of which is to say, Runway is even more valuable when your team is using it together!
Inviting team members
You can add members to your team by sending them email invites.
If your Runway organization was created by a user with a company email domain, any new users with the same company email domain will be automatically merged into your Runway organization. All they have to do is create an account at and they'll automatically be placed in the correct Runway organization.
User groups
Runway offers several different user groups with associated allowed actions out-of-the-box that can be assigned to your teammates. For example, membership to a particular group might restrict someone's ability to perform major release actions, or give someone special access as a regression tester or approver. You can also create custom groups that define specific allowed actions to a group of users that you specify.
The available default user groups are: Release pilot, EM, PM, Engineer, QA, Design, Marketing, CX, Ops, Approver
Release pilots also have additional privileges during their assigned releases
To learn more about user groups and what actions group members can perform, visit the Groups documentation.
Last updated
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